How To Find Bras For Bra Sizes 36D, 36DD/E, 36DDD/F
BRABAR is all about simplifying and standardizing bra measuring.
Eight out of ten women don't know their correct bra size and it all has to do with old sizing methods still being employed in the intimates industry. Old Sizing methods include the Plus Four method and the armpit method. Both provide the incorrect Band Size and that throws off the whole Bra Size.
The correct Band Size is the key to finding your correct Bra Size. Your Band Size subtracted from your Overbust Measurement is how you get the Cup Size.
Each inch is a cup size.
The main misconception is that you shop by your Cup Size, but you shouldn’t do this, and it is why BRABAR is Shop by Band. Your Cup Size is always determined by the difference between your Band Size and Overbust Measurement. If your Band Size were to change either going up or down, your Cup Size would be vastly different. The constant is always the difference between the Band Size and the Overbust Measurement.
Less Than a one-inch difference is an AA-Cup.
A one-inch (1) difference is an A-Cup.
A two-inch (2) difference is a B-Cup.
A three-inch (3) difference is a C-Cup.
A four-inch (4) difference is a D-Cup.
A five-inch (5) difference is a DD-Cup or an E-Cup. A DD-Cup and an E-Cup are the same in US Sizing.
A six-inch (6) difference is a DDD-Cup or a F-Cup. A DDD-Cup and an F-Cup are the same in US Sizing.
A seven-inch (7) difference is a DDDD-Cup or a G-Cup. A DDDD-Cup and a G-Cup are the same in US Sizing.
Everyone's Cup Size looks different because the changing variables are the Band Size and Overbust Measurement. Someone's 36DD is going to look very different than someone's 28DD.
Example 1 - 36D Bra Size Adult Woman
Her Underbust Measurement/Ribcage Measurement = 36 inches (an even number so this is your band size!)
Her Band Size = 36
Her Overbust Measurement = 40 inches
Take 36 Band Size from 40 Overbust = 4-inch difference.
4-inch difference = D-Cup
She has a 36D Bra Size.
Example 2 - 36D Bra Size Adult Woman
Her Underbust Measurement/Ribcage Measurement = 35 inches (round up to the nearest even whole number)
Her Band Size = 36
Her Overbust Measurement = 40 inches
Take 36 Band Size from 40 Overbust = 4-inch difference.
4-inch difference = D-Cup
She has a 36D Bra Size.
1.Everyday bra option - Soft Everyday Bra with Back Closure is my favorite option, especially for those with a 36-38 Band. The Soft Day Bra is a wonderfully comfortable, yet supportive option.
2.Crop bra top option - Soft Crop Bralette is a surprisingly good option. Not only is it unlined, but you can pull it over your head. Soft Crop Bralette is also a convertible bra so you can change the straps. The design looks like it won’t have support but it is quite comfortable and supportive.
3.Cami bra top option - Everyday Longline Cami Bra is one of my favorite options. It comes with removable pads, which I recommend to remove and see how you like the Everyday Longline Cami Bra. Personally, I think this Everday Longline Cami Bra Top works well if you like camis.
4. Everyday bra option - Everyday Bra is another great everyday bra option with a back closure. With removable pads and adjustable straps, the Everyday Bra is comfortable and a great T-shirt bra.
5.Unlined bralette option - Soft V Crop Bra is a perfect lounge bra. Comfortable, breathable, and soft, the Soft V Crop Bra is hands-down a favorite.
6.Lace bralette option - Soft V Reversible Laceback Bralette is the best of Soft V Crop Bra but with the added flare of a pretty laceback. Remove the pads and reverse it and you have a second bra.
Example 1 got a Soft V Reversible Laceback Bralette and an Everyday Bra.
Example 2 got a Soft Day Bra, a Soft V Reversible Laceback Bralette, and an Everyday Bra.
Example 1 -36DD Bra Size or 36E Bra Size Preteen Girl
Her Underbust Measurement/Ribcage Measurement = 35 inches (round up to the nearest even whole number)
Her Band Size = 36
Her Overbust Measurement = 41 inches
Take 36 Band Size from 41 Overbust = 5-inch difference.
5-inch difference = DD-Cup or E-Cup
She has a 36DD Bra Size or 36E Bra Size.
Example 2 - 36DD Bra Size or 36E Bra Size Adult Woman
Her Underbust Measurement/Ribcage Measurement = 36 inches (you’re good here)
Her Band Size = 36
Her Overbust Measurement = 41 inches
Take 36 Band Size from 41 Overbust = 5-inch difference.
5-inch difference = DD-Cup or E-Cup
She has a 36DD Bra Size or 36E Bra Size.
1.Everyday bra option - Soft Everyday Bra with Back Closure
2.Sports bra option - X Sports Bra is a great medium-impact sports bra wonderful for teens and preteens.
3.Crop bra top option - Soft Crop Bralette is also a convertible bra!
4.Cami bra top option - Everyday Longline Cami Bra Top
5.Strapless Bra option - Soft Strapless Bra Top is great for any wardrobe. A strapless longline bra that will hug your ribcage for support.
6.Unlined bralette option - Soft V Crop Bra
7.Lace bralette option - Soft V Reversible Laceback Bralette
8.Everyday bra option - The Everyday Scoop Neck Bra is a great alternative for an Everyday bra that you can pull over your head instead of back closure.
Example 1 got an Everyday Longline Cami Bra, an Everyday Bra, and a Soft V Laceback.
Example 2 got an Everyday Scoop Neck Bra.
36DDD Bra Size or 36F Bra Size
Example 1 - 36DDD Bra Size or 36F Bra Size Teen Girl
Her Underbust Measurement/Ribcage Measurement = 35 inches (round up to the nearest even whole number)
Her Band Size = 36
Her Overbust Measurement = 42 inches
Take 36 Band Size from 42 Overbust = 6-inch difference.
6-inch difference = DDD-Cup or E-Cup
She has a 36DDD Bra Size or 36F Bra Size.
Example 2 - 36DDD Bra Size or 36F Bra Size Adult Woman
Her Underbust Measurement/Ribcage Measurement = 36 inches (this is your band size)
Her Band Size = 36
Her Overbust Measurement = 42 inches
Take 36 Band Size from 42 Overbust = 6-inch difference.
6-inch difference = DDD-Cup or E-Cup
She has a 36DDD Bra Size or 36F Bra Size.
1.Everyday bra option - Soft Everyday Bra with Back Closure
2.Sports bra option - X Sports Bra
3.Crop bra top option - Soft Crop Bralette is also unlined!
4.Cami bra top option - Everyday Longline Cami Bra Top
5.Strapless Bra option - Soft Strapless Bra Top
6.Unlined bralette option - Soft V Crop Bra
7.Lace bralette option - Soft V Reversible Laceback Bralette
Example 1 got a Soft Crop Bralette and a Soft Everyday Bra with Back Closure.
Example 2 got a Soft Everyday Bra with Back Closure and a Soft V Reversible Laceback Bralette.
Keep in mind that you want to be comfortable.
The band should be snug like a hug.
The straps shouldn't be digging into your shoulders, nor too loose.
Bras with removable pads--try them on both ways.
If you spill on the sides but the bra otherwise fits perfectly, go for a bra with a higher wing on the side, like the Soft Crop Bralette or the Everyday Longline Cami Bra.
Everyone should recheck their Bra Sizes once a year, or if you are still a teen or preteen, every six months.
BRABAR strives to make girls believe that they are so much more than their bodies by having the confidence to understand bra sizing and being comfortable with their choices in bras.
Check out the full BRABAR collections for more styles and sizes!